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DanCann Pharma er en dansk life science-virksomhed med fokus på forskning, udvikling, fremstilling og kommercialisering af nye cannabinoid-terapeutiske produkter til medicinsk brug.
Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 2018 grundet dårlig adgang til lovlig cannabionoid-baseret lægemidler, som en del af et pilotprojekt i samarbejde med den danske regering. Formålet er at udvikle og levere medicinsk cannabis, med fokus på kvalitet og konsistens.
DanCann Pharma har bygget nye og effektive produktionsfaciliteter (kaldet Biotech Pharm1), som forventes godkendt af de danske myndigheder i løbet af 2022. DanCann købte for nyligt 100% af aktierne i den danske distributør af medicinske cannabisprodukter CannGros, hvorefter DanCann Pharma nu har udviklings-, fremstillings og kommercialiseringskapaciteter internt og ejer derfor alle led i deres værdikæde.
DanCann Pharma is a Danish life science company focused on discovering, developing, manufacturing, and commercialization of novel cannabinoid therapeutic products for medical use.
The company was founded in 2018 due to the poor access to cannabinoid-based drugs and pharmaceuticals and with the purpose of developing and supplying medical cannabis, with a focus on consistency and quality provided by state-of-the-art and newly constructed manufacturing facilities (called Biotech Pharm1) which expect to be approved by the Danish authorities during 2022.
DanCann recently acquired the Danish distributor of medical cannabis products, CannGros after which DanCann is now a fully vertically integrated operator within the market of cannabis for medical use, having development, manufacturing, and commercialization capabilities in-house.