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NNIT A/S er en dansk IT virksomhed, der beskæftiger sig med rådgivning, udvikling og outsourcing. NNIT dedikerer særligt deres tilbud til life sciences virksomheder, den offentlige sektor og finansielle institutioner. NNIT er midt i en transformativ proces med frasalg af sin infrastrukturforretning for at etablere NNIT som en højt specialiseret IT-serviceudbyder, der udelukkende fokuserer på kerneområder inden for IT-services til Life Sciences-markedet og Cloud & Digital Solutions.
Strategien på mellemlang sigt er efter frasalg at fokusere på at øge vækst og rentabilitet i de nyetablerede to kerneforretninger og fokusere mere på M&A.
NNIT A/S is a Danish-based information technology (IT) company engaged in consulting, development, and outsourcing. It dedicates its offer to enterprises, life sciences companies, the public sector, and finance institutions. NNIT is in the midst of a transformative process through the divestment of its infrastructure business to establish NNIT as a highly specialized IT services provider focusing exclusively on core areas within IT services to the Life Sciences market and Cloud & Digital Solutions.
The mid-term strategy after divestment is to focus on increasing growth and profitability in the newly established two main core businesses and focus more on M&A.