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SKAKO A/S er en dansk-baseret producent af industrimaskiner indenfor beton, materiel, mineraler og genbrug. Selskabet driver to forretningssegmenter, SKAKO Concrete og SKAKO Vibration med kontorer i Faaborg (Danmark), Strasbourg (Frankrig) og San Sebastian (Spanien). SKAKO er noteret på Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen.
SKAKO Concrete er specialiseret i udvikling, produktion, installation og servicering af komplette anlæg til fremstilling af beton. SKAKO Concrete’s hovedformål er at udvikle løsninger tilpasset fremtidens behov, der opfylder kunders individuelle behov og dermed hjælpe dem med at styrke deres position på deres marked.
Derudover tilbyder SKAKO Concrete eftersalgsløsninger, installation og servicekontrakter, der opfylder forskellige behov i et givent produktionssetup.
SKAKO Vibration udvikler, designer og sælger vibrationsudstyr til industrielt brug. Selskabet har en stærk position indenfor levering af udstyr til fremførsel, sortering og vask til genbrugsindustrien i Europa. Derudover er man en førende leverandør af vibrationsudstyr i bilindustrien, og med en solid markedsposition inden for mineralminedrift og fosfatminesektoren i Nordafrika.
SKAKO A/S is a Danish industrial machinery manufacturer listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen. It operates two business divisions, SKAKO Concrete and SKAKO Vibration with offices in Faaborg (Denmark, Strasbourg (France), and San Sebastian (Spain).
SKAKO Concrete is a professional and experienced group specializing in the development, supply, installation, and servicing of complete plants for the production of concrete. SKAKO Concrete’s main purpose is to develop solutions adapted to future requirements, meeting the individual needs of our customers and so helping them strengthen their position in their market.
In addition, SKAKO Concrete offers after-sales, installation, and commissioning services as well as after-sales support, including Service Contracts dedicated to the production setup.
SKAKO Vibration develops, designs, and sells vibratory equipment for industrial use. It has a strong development in the supply of feeding, sorting and washing equipment for the recycling industry in Europe. Additionally, it is a leading supplier of vibratory equipment in the automotive industry, and it has a solid market position within mineral mining and the phosphate mining sector in North Africa.