Kan ChatGPT hjælpe os med vores research inden vi investerer?

Jeg faldt denne uge over et spændende LinkedIn oplæg, hvor en analytiker fra JP. Morgan brugte ChatGPT til at analysere en aktie. Da ChatGPT jo ikke kan bruge nyere data end fra 2021, så kan relevansen jo diskuteres; specielt på mindre aktier, hvor positive nyheder, eksempelvis godkendelse fra FDA i det amerikanske marked kan spille en væsentlig rolle i aktiekursens udvikling.

Men ChatGPT kan give os et godt grundlag for videre fordybelse i en aktiecase, så derfor tænkte jeg at forsøge på en dansk case. Til dette lille eksperiment har jeg valgt Pandora A/S, som handles på C25 med en market cap på 57,78 mia. DKK til en kurs på ≈585 DKK. (d.d.)

1. For at forstå Pandora casen lidt bedre, så kan vi jo begynde med at spørge AI om, hvad præcis business-modellen er:

Pandora is a Danish jewelry company that operates on a multi-channel retail business model. They sell their products through a mix of company-owned stores, franchised stores, and third-party retailers. They offer customizable charm bracelets, along with other jewelry items such as rings, earrings, and necklaces. The brand is known for its unique design, high-quality materials, and affordability. Pandora’s business model is built around the idea of offering consumers the ability to create personalized pieces of jewelry through the combination of different charms, beads, and other elements. This approach has helped the brand to appeal to a wide range of customers and establish itself as a leading player in the global jewelry market.

Okay, så vi kigger altså på en multi-channel retail business model. På dansk, betyder det at de altså sælger et produkt via flere forskellige kanaler; online, fysiske butikker mm. Fordelene ligger i at man når ud til flere og derved en højere omsætning, samt nemmere kan tracke produkter med særlig høj interesse uden køb (online); ulemperne i at der er højere omkostninger, specielt i fysiske butikker og tracking af inventar på tværs af salgskanaler. Dette kan man også med fordel bede ChatGPT om at uddybe.

2. Lad os hoppe videre og få ChatGPT til at lave en SWOT analyse for os. Så kan vi kigge på virksomhedens styrker, svarheder, muligheder og trusler.

Sure, here’s a SWOT analysis of Pandora A/S:


  1. Strong brand recognition and reputation: Pandora is a well-known and respected jewelry brand, with a large and loyal customer base.
  2. Wide range of products: The company offers a diverse range of products, including charm bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces, and other jewelry items, which appeals to a broad range of customers.
  3. Customization and personalization: Pandora’s core business model is centered around the concept of allowing customers to create their own personalized jewelry pieces, which sets it apart from its competitors.
  4. Strong distribution network: Pandora has a large retail network, including company-owned stores, franchised stores, and third-party retailers, which enables it to reach a wide range of customers.


  1. Dependence on a few key markets: Despite having a global presence, a significant portion of Pandora’s revenue is generated from a few key markets, which makes the company vulnerable to economic downturns or changes in consumer behavior in these markets.
  2. Competition: The jewelry market is highly competitive, and Pandora faces intense competition from other established brands and new entrants.
  3. Dependence on charm bracelets: While Pandora offers a range of jewelry products, charm bracelets remain its core product and a significant portion of its revenue is generated from this product line.


  1. Expansion into new markets: Pandora has the opportunity to expand into new and untapped markets, which could provide significant growth potential.
  2. Increasing demand for sustainable and ethically sourced products: There is a growing demand for sustainable and ethically sourced products, and Pandora has the opportunity to capitalize on this trend by offering products that meet these requirements.
  3. Digitalization of the retail industry: The increasing digitization of the retail industry presents opportunities for Pandora to improve its online presence and reach more customers through digital channels.


  1. Economic uncertainty: Economic uncertainty and changes in consumer spending patterns can negatively impact Pandora’s revenue and profitability.
  2. Fluctuations in commodity prices: Commodities, such as gold and silver, are key inputs in the jewelry-making process and fluctuations in their prices can have a significant impact on Pandora’s costs and profitability.
  3. Changes in consumer preferences: The jewelry market is subject to rapid changes in consumer preferences, and Pandora may struggle to keep up with these changes and maintain its competitiveness.

Så har vi lige pludselig et godt fundament for forståelsen af Pandora via de underliggende parametre i SWOT. Disse kunne så eventuelt sammenlignes med markedet i dag, for at se om eksempelvis eventuelle muligheder og trusler modvægtet risicis kunne realiseres. Dette er jo ret så relevant i forhold til en investering via i sidste ende virksomhedens resultat.

3. Her ville det være oplagt at få ChatGPT til at opsummere Pandoras sidste earning calls, men da ChatGPT ikke har adgang, så vil jeg hoppe videre til ESG. Så ChatGPT, hvordan ser deres ESG credentials ud?


  • Pandora has set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2025 and has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint, such as investing in renewable energy and reducing energy consumption in its stores and offices.
  • The company is also committed to using sustainable materials in its products and has established a responsible sourcing policy to ensure the responsible sourcing of precious metals, diamonds, and other materials.


  • Pandora has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and has established a code of conduct to ensure ethical and responsible business practices throughout its supply chain.
  • The company is also committed to corporate social responsibility and has established a number of initiatives to support communities and promote social responsibility, such as supporting environmental protection and women’s empowerment.


  • Pandora has a strong corporate governance structure, with a clear division of responsibilities between the board of directors and management.
  • The company is committed to transparency and regularly communicates its financial performance, ESG initiatives, and other key information to stakeholders.

In conclusion, Pandora A/S has demonstrated a strong commitment to ESG, with a focus on reducing its environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and maintaining good governance practices. However, as with any ESG assessment, this evaluation is subject to change based on the company’s evolving policies and actions.

Nu har vi også en dybere forståelse af Pandoras ESG, som placeres højt i dagens agenda både fra virksomheds, investerings, samt regulativ perspektiv. Her kan man med fordel spørge mere ind til specifikke parametre og hvordan disse forventes at ændre sig i takt med at virksomheden videreudvikler og ændrer politiker og handlinger - som ChatGPT faktisk også tilsidst selv nævner i svaret.

4. Nu har vi et overfladisk fundament for både forretningsmodel, ESG mm., men hvordan ser potentielle risicis ud fra et investeringsperspektiv? ChatGPT kan du ikke give os et overblik over key investement risks, hvis vi overvejer Pandora som investering?

Investing in any company, including Pandora A/S, comes with various risks that investors should consider before making a decision. Here are some key investment risks for Pandora A/S:

  1. Competition: The jewelry market is highly competitive, and Pandora A/S faces competition from other established jewelry brands as well as new entrants to the market.
  2. Dependence on sales through third-party retailers: A significant portion of Pandora A/S’s sales are generated through third-party retailers, and the company’s financial performance may be negatively impacted if these retailers experience declining sales or close.
  3. Fluctuations in commodity prices: Pandora A/S uses precious metals and gems in its products, and fluctuations in commodity prices can impact the company’s costs and margins.
  4. Dependence on a limited number of key markets: Pandora A/S generates a significant portion of its sales from a limited number of key markets, and its financial performance may be impacted if these markets experience economic downturns or other adverse conditions.
  5. Brand and reputation risk: The value of Pandora A/S’s brand and reputation is key to its success, and any negative publicity or reputation damage could negatively impact the company’s sales and financial performance.
  6. Regulatory risks: The jewelry industry is subject to various regulations, including those related to the sourcing and production of precious metals and gems, and changes in these regulations could impact the company’s operations and financial performance.
  7. Currency fluctuations: Pandora A/S operates in multiple countries and generates revenue in multiple currencies, and fluctuations in exchange rates can impact the company’s financial results.

Investors should carefully consider these and other potential risks before investing in Pandora A/S. Additionally, it is important to perform thorough research and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.

Der er altså lidt vi skal overveje inden vi investerer blindt i Pandora. Men sammen med de andre spørgsmål, kan man nu sammenligne både med markedet, konkurrenter og andre relevante perspektiver. ChatGPT er ikke et perfekt værktøj, men nu er en mere dybdegående fortsat due diligence lidt lettere, da vi har et solidt udgangspunkt og en bedre forståelse for, hvad virksomheden laver, deres ESG, investerings risiko og mere. Kunne du finde på at bruge ChatGPT på denne måde i din investeringsstrategi og research?

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Yderst spændende hvad det kan udvikle sig til på sigt! :open_mouth: