GreenMobility - Virksomhedstråd

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GreenMobility er en dansk virksomhed inden for Mobility-as-a-Service området. GreenMobility driver en delebilsvirksomhed med mere end 1.000 elektriske køretøjer på tværs af større byer i Europa, og stræber efter at vokse dette antal til omkring 10.000 i 2025.

Mere end 100.000 mennesker har tilmeldt sig tjenesten, og brugerne har adgang til GreenMobility-bilerne gennem GreenMobility-appen. Med tusindvis af daglige ture hjælper GreenMobility med at reducere trængsel i byer med en klimapåvirkning.

GreenMobility er noteret på OMXC Small Cap i Danmark. Aktien blev overført til Nasdaq Main Market i december 2020 fra Nasdaq First North.

GreenMobility is a Danish company in the Mobility-as-a-Service space. GreenMobility operates a free-floating carsharing business of more than 1,000 electric vehicles across larger cities in Europe, aspiring to grow this number to around 10,000 in 2025.

More than 100,000 people have signed up for the service, and users have access to the GreenMobility cars through the GreenMobility app. With thousands of daily trips, GreenMobility helps reduce congestion in cities with a climate impact.

GreenMobility is listed at OMXC Small Cap in Denmark. The share was transferred to the Nasdaq Main Market in December 2020 from Nasdaq First North.

H.C. Andersen Capital afholdte i dag et webinar (på engelsk) med GreenMobility - det kommer efter et ledelse- og strategiskift - webinaret kan ses på nedenstående link :

GreenMobility – New strategy plan and Q&A – 17.01.2023

GreenMobility has launched its new strategic plan focusing on profitability. As a result, GreenMobility will close its Swedish and German markets to consolidate the business in its existing mature markets. This also means that the 2025 aspiration of 10,000 cars in 35 cities is postponed until 2030. Financially, GreenMobility now expects to reach break-even by late 2023 and expects group profitability in 2024. Therefore, GreenMobility has no plans to raise new capital in 2023.

Meet and ask questions to GreenMobility’s interim CEO and Group CFO Anders Wall in this virtual live-event, who will give a brief overview of the new strategy plan followed by a Q&A session.